"Now when Herod was about to bring him out, on that very night, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries before the door were guarding the prison." Act 12:6
Trust is a big word and it is used a lot!!! The word Trust is thrown around a lot to the point where trust losses its meaning. When it comes to trusting the heavenly father, it is hard because we base that trust on what people have done to us!
To tell you the truth… most of my life I have had hard time believing that God cared about me. That He would make sure that He had the best interest at heart for me. But somewhere through the heartache, I learn to trust Him! I learn to understand that He has a better plan, a better life, and a better path! God created me to do His will and His plan during His time.
I want to learn to trust God like Peter did in the jail cell. Peter was thrown in a jail cell waiting for his execution… Was he pacing? Was he praying? Was he shouting? Was he asking Why? No He was SLEEPYING… yes SLEEPYING!!! That is trust. He trusted that anyway things happen he would be ok! He slept!! He was not going to worry about it. That is trust… I would be pacing, maybe crying, there would have been some whys thrown up to God.
I looked at Peter’s story and he did not just wake up one day and trust! He was with Jesus for three years before he followed God plan and His timing!!! Of course Peter would be sleeping… he watched Jesus be crucified and then saw Christ walk upon the earth after the stone was rolled away. Peter Felt the Holy Spirit come upon him, and began to proclaim the gospel.
So how do I get to that point where I trust God with everything! You have to go back to the start of my journey. I remember the heartache… the long nights of crying and trying not to hear what God was calling me to do. To be broken and left to do anything but obey God was hard. I would fight His word and His calling, but to finally be able to trust God… I would never be leaving for Africa or I would not be leaving my kids behind. But I trust God… I trust His plan, His timing, and His word. So you do not have to be Peter to trust God, but you can sleep through the storm! I have been asked several times why I am leaving for Africa and my answer to you is this… I trust God… I trust His timing… and I trust His plan…