Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Are You Ready?

Wow only 41more days before I board a plan, and head off to the unknown of Africa! A lot of people have asked me “Are you ready?”  To them that, it is a very simple question, but to me it is a long thought out emotional answer.  Part of me says “Yes! Let’s get this show on the road” The other part of me wants to cry and crawl in a black hole and hide!

How do get ready for a life changing missions trip?

1.       You Pray! And not just once, but everyday…. Sometime twenty times a day! I have come to pray first before I even get out of bed, before I eat, before I use the bathroom, and even before I get ready to step out of the door! Talking to God has become my normal everyday thing! I enjoy the two sided conversation. Yes, two sided conversation… if you are quiet long enough you will hear His voice! I really talk to him before I even talk to people. I have learned that when my life goes out the window I run to the throne and not the phone!!!

2.       Start getting used to living out of suitcase. God allowed me to slowly move from a three bedroom house to a two bedroom apartment to just a room, to now a suitcase!! When Jesus called His disciples, they left everything to follow him. For us, who goes into mission field, we have time to put things in order and move forward. It was hard for me to come to this!!! I had to learn to let go and realize what was important to take and what would be easily to let go!!  

3.       Satan has your name on his list! Guess what, when you step out in faith and follow God your name appears on Satan’s list! You have to be prepared for all the things that he will throw at you!!! I have been attack through my church, through my friendships, through my family, and through my health. I will never forget the words I spoke one day “I want to wake up in the morning and have Satan say ‘Oh No she is up!!!’” To be that person you have to put on the full armor of God! And side note knee pads because you will be praying daily!

4.       Be prepared to cry at drop of a hat’s notice… God’s glory is all over the place… and be prepare to have it shine on you. I have seen God move mountains that would not budge in the world’s eyes.  When you move forward with God’s plans He will supply the means for the job! I have pray about plan tickets and if it is time to purchase… three minutes later the correct amount for the plane tickets have been donated to the website! Amounts of God’s glory will bring you to tears….If God has called you to do His will then it will be done!!! I always carry tissue now… any moment can turn into overwhelming joy!!

5.       When you are preparing to leave, you have to learn to say goodbye and not just to people, but to places and things! I went into Target to get a prescription filled and guess what… I cried. In that moment, I realized that I was not going to walk into that Target again. See you doctor one more time before heading overseas, going to my favorite restaurant… all these things and places become part of you past…. Slowly releasing them and embracing the future.   

So to tell you the true… No I am not ready to go… because I have not been through all the steps… I sit here and wonder why I am not on that plane yet… and then God answer “I am not done yet” He is still working on me and preparing me for this journey! So when I am on the plane heading over I will know that I am ready, but a small voice will always tell me that He is not done with me yet!

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