Tuesday, October 1, 2013

David Platt

David Platt wrote "how many of us embracing the comforts of suburban America while we turn a deaf ear to inner cities in need of the gospel? How many of us are so settled in the United States that we have never given serious thought to the possibility that God may call us to live in another country?  How often are we willing to give a check to someone else as long as we don't have to go to the tough places in the world ourselves? How many of us parents are praying that God will raise up our children  to leave our homes and go overseas, even if that means they may never come back?  And how many of us are devoting our lives to taking the gospel to the people in hostile regions around the world where Christians are not welcome? Certainly we are not saying "annihilate all those people and send them to hell" but if we do not take the gospel to them, isn't that where they will go". Makes you think about who lead you to Christ!!! And that they didn't stay home but answered the call of God!

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